the destroyer > text > Jacob Schepers


I’m not saying addiction’s a deal breaker
It’s just something we need to talk about
Your confluence of radio waves and easy-bake
ovens might as well go to pot, a cactus of ideas
Ideation and the influence of time on skin
Ringworm and sunspots the familiar culprits
One’s melatonin another’s heroin
Another’s pancake breakfast another’s soup supper
It’s just something we need to talk about
Something we should have addressed earlier
before it got to this // before it sat

there among the dirty dishes
Honestly it may be rather endearing: we may be
both enamored and alarmed by its hold

on our free speech // the sheer space

between us // its seizure citing eminent

domain in the name of a new
highway // a strip mall breaking ground //

the alleys – the infrastructure’s bastard capillaries –
where a stockpile of devices invite us to spill dirty blood

                                        * * *

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It bit
            into the apple
                                        and the apple
bit back
            Where are your corrupted files now,
            // Where, oh dearth, may you vacate
             the premises of good folks? //
Honest, hardworking people
Give me forcible entry or give me
                                                        squatters’ rights
Grant me amnesty or at least pizzazz //
some sequined bootstraps, a rhinestone belt
            the tip
                        from a national hotline            //

A number for the local’s favorite takeout
Take a number                                    //            wait in line

                                        * * *

Think of me as a press release

to be


just before
                             hightailing it out

of there // the thick of scandal

poaching your tender


                                        * * *

tells a story
                                                                   of westward expansion
                        // reposition this writing //
                                    and false consciousness
                                                            THE GLOBAL MARKET
                        the dawn of a rendezvous
                                                                                  // reposition
                        and shift to face a sunbeam   //
                                                                               so far removed
                        from a local network so far defined
                                                We are all family here
                        THE BED
                                                we share grounds our politics
                                                a highly political space
                                                                        no more
                                                political than it is
                                                                                         and, really, now
                                                leads to a pullout
                                                boasting your stains
                                                                                         // For padding
                        the duvet too heavy
                                                                    for either of us

[author's website]