1. Island
Strand yourself on an island (actual or metaphoric).
Pick one where the only place to go is your mind.
Take 3 days to realize that you are neither here nor there.
Take the following 4 days to realize that you never will be.
During the aforementioned 7-day period,
locate the most attractive orchid on the island.
Take time to stop and smell the orchid.
Discover it is plastic.
Start running.
Run as fast as you can.
2. TRANSit
Arrange for a pick-up.
Go ahead and have them drop you off too.
3. rePLAY
Loop parts one and two.
--Jill Pangallo
[artist's website]
Cosmopolitan Bed, from Heaven or Las Vegas, animated .gif, 2012 |
Flamingo Pool, from Heaven or Las Vegas, animated .gif, 2012 |
Paris Chair, from Heaven or Las Vegas, animated .gif, 2012 |