the destroyer > art > Kegels for Hegel

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Aztlán (Love Song to los Conquistadores)
Video Performance

"You're Mexican, right, so you like a good corn cob," she said, approaching me with a maize-shaped vibrator.

Fuck respectability.

Neoliberal policies and the War on Drugs have ravaged the landscape and bodies of the (often racialized) poor of both the US and Mexico.

This song snippet was written at the Border Patrol Museum in El Paso, Texas. The video footage was filmed while we were thinking about the reforma energética, HB 2281, and the dismantling of many ethnic studies programs. It was named after the mythical land of origin never determined to have existed.

We present it now, ready for the re-conquest.

We present it now, rooting for the revolution: #BlackLivesMatter and #Ayotzinapa.

“Revolution is based on land. Land is the basis of all independence. Land is the basis of freedom, justice, and equality.”

Malcolm X, “Message to the Grass Roots,” 1963


Te quiero conquistar
como las Américas.
Te quiero saborear
como un elote.
Y vas a trabajar--
No hay beneficios.
Y te va a gustar.

I want to seduce/conquer you
Like the Americas.
I want to taste you
Like corn on the cob.
And you’re gonna work--
There are no benefits.
And you’re gonna like it.

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Kegels for Hegel is a conceptual art project that writes queerly ambivalent love songs to philosophers. Kegels for Hegel is an open collaboration of academics and artists headed by two Kegelians writing the album “F*cking with Philosophers.”

[artist's website]