the destroyer > text > Josh Milberg


A man should be twice the size of a woman.

In size, when he doubles the average-built woman, a male of long term is known as a bigot 1.

Construction exhibits how giants branch out beginning their growth like fruit from the hull. In a sense, if a bigot, one tenses all ways, larger than grammar and commons who use it. When men surpass women they are said to hold hate.


A man can gain weight to flatter a woman, to lift her on back or over his head. To walk with hands hooked is considered crustacean. To thin at brisk pace, one eats rotting whale.

A female in humpback, is said to be slim, is often the boon of nearing men’s size. Short men, when close, can slouch into stalkers. A woman gets thinnest when humped into groups.

When children leave groups they are said to be loose. When dropping their balls, the males cause tornadoes.

Men who eat veggies or shrug off their weight, often live lives that are lesser than most. Their weight-years are said to float off or fall.

Women who float can turn into spinsters. Sometimes they crop-dust to scare off the fat.

Men armed with hammers have helped in the home. Slight men are trouble when taking out trash.

“To take out the trash,” one dates lousy tippers. The trash in cafes is flashed with hot tea.

Teacups are women who drink coffee young, while latte defines a man who recedes. To dip into teacups is called “doing donuts.” To donut in cages, one studies in France.

Nudes filled with donuts seclude to resorts; resorting to sex is called anniversary.

The Barebacks of Asia repurpose their nudes, deleting their small in search of puree. When mounting their fallen, they “circumvent funeral.” When “fondling funeral” they cater with gum.

When children chew gum or sing over rope, they unleash an earthquake the texture of sand. When blasting the sand, they trumpet their hate.


Not unlike Hector, New Boulder lays spotty. Its food deserts posit some dearth amidst wealth. Abundant in food, their sustenance lacks. The reference to dessert does not denote heat, nor does it drought, nor lunar terrain. The point of the phrase is to layer in loss—herein with diet, in contrast to water. Both are, of course, incumbent for life and shortage of one spans a life in reverse. A nutritionist’s dessert is rarely found dry but rather abounds in saturate sugar. The real absence here is the absence of health which downgrades a life and marks it diseased. The Deserts of Boulder have dunes raised with windows where packs of cold children engulf what they find. The males, once mature, lay pregnant the women and move into outskirts where no women pass. When offspring are hungry, they hunt for their fathers then tie them to floor before jumping rope. When stepping on cracks, they orphan in octaves. When causing a choir they chant to get even.

1 First appeared in vol. 5 of Index of Age, charted heterospatial inflection through time.
2inconjugate ex terminus; also see zealot.