the destroyer > text > Nicole Wilson


Bear her body smash

easily as bodies do

slim torso, a child

a trifold Mid

western dark

teevee stains kitchen

prize inside bloody

sheets her outsides

a lost moon scattered

bottles & ashes

body little

press kit tight

x-rays a proof

to hang on

the walls of bright

colored rooms

God forbid belonging

she gash, an open

task on the seat

Firecrack and pop square four, a game
together in the cool dim
evening sweet and star-chiseled

we sang one two down
to the block with the discarded shoe

and the lake came over for a swim

grabbed the jar marked       M   O   O   N   S   H   I   N   E

drink it
dad did
to a tree

Dear lake, forget about me

Bitter pair of footprints
and a whistle tuned to:
the aunts like their new men

Being is like basting

a tomato plant     today

a painter tomorrow bound

to fold up   How

many lipsticks can I bear

One for prom Sunday

prim Sunday one for dirt

&  ter  ra  cot  ta  &

dinner for two

we didn't grow

back we patterned

a steam fountain a grove

a palm raw


it means to rise

I feet

I alpha  be  tize  files

in your beard candy cane